A NEW NAME Every parish within the Archdiocese of New York – and indeed throughout the country – is a community of faith, but is also incorporated civilly. As part of the process of Making All Things New, the parishes of Saint Peter, Assumption, and Saint Paul, which were incorporated as three separate entities, were brought together as one community of faith. As of September 1, 2016 they will be merged into a new civic entity as well. The new name that has been given to us by the Archdiocese is “The Roman Catholic Church of Saints Peter and Paul and Assumption.” We have also received indications that the possibility exists of renaming our new community in the near future. Suggestions that have already been put forward include: Corpus Christi, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John Paul II, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and St. John XXIII. Do you have other suggestions? Please think and pray about this idea so that when the time comes we will be able to make a decision that will help us continue to come together with one mind and one heart in Jesus Christ.