Pope Francis I Inaugural Mass Homily
"The vocation of being a "protector", however, is not just something involving us Christians alone; it also
has a prior dimension which is simply human, involving everyone. It means protecting all creation, the
beauty of the created world, as the Book of Genesis tells us and as Saint Francis of Assisi showed us. It
means respecting each of God's creatures and respecting the environment in which we live. It means
protecting people, showing loving concern for each and every person, especially children, the elderly,
those in need, who are often the last we think about." - March 19, 2013
courtesy: presidencia.gov.ar
St. Francis of Assisi
Patron of the Environment
"The entire psychology of this country has to change. Americans are extremely wasteful of everything --- land, resources etc. We live in a throw away society.
I remember when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area --- naturally a beautiful area. I saw increasingly in my 10 years there the sprawl and human arrogance over land that was beginning to change it forever. I remember being stuck in a traffic jam on a 12 lane freeway, cars belching fumes as far as the eye could see, surrounded by neighborhoods that had already been discarded for even newer subdivisions further out and thought my God - whats gone wrong?
Until we realize that our world is not limitless and forever forgiving of man's mistakes, we are doomed to live in an increasingly congested, polluted world."
JM, Washington D.C.
"The beauty of the all electric car is that it is absolutely silent in a traffic jam. Silent in sound, silent in air emissions. I wonder if it will ever occur to the public the absurdity of an engine running when it's going nowhere".
"If you turn on a high powered lamp indoors, then take to the great outdoors, isn't it amazing how that light bulb is nothing compared to the intensity of the sun? It's like there were a zillion 1,000 watt bulbs on! Multiply that by every square foot on earth (never mind the entire solar system.) It has been stated that a mere 30 seconds of sunshine provides enough energy to power the entire planet for a full day. Free, abundant, 100% clean energy! How archaic is any other means of fuel? Unfortunately, solar panels are still rather inefficient and costly. But I am sure that one day in the future, there will be a solar panel perhaps the size of a square meter, that will 100% power your home. We probably already have the technology. Same for ultra capacitor high density solid state batteries to power a viable electric car and a cure for AIDS. I am sure the only reason why all of these are not a reality is due to politics, righteousness and greed."
Ron D'Albero